Excellent business opportunities with Panko products

We wanted to make launching and operating a business as easy as possible, because we know that a journey from a business idea to selecting an architect and designers and tendering the contacts is often a long and expensive process. In our operating model, all stages of the project from architecture to technical solutions and experiential customer experience has been designed with finishing touches. Due to the modular structure of our products and seamlessly combining different areas of design, our projects are finished rapidly and cost-efficiently.
Panko products: different Saunas, Kitchen-Restaurant and Bar & Lounge with Nordic Vibes in One service concept provide excellent business opportunities. Our products are always customized according to the needs of a purchaser, and you will be able to begin a business rapidly and effortlessly. What is even more, we bring unlimited possibilities for floating construction solutions together with our experienced partners.
Would you like to discuss a business idea or collaboration with Panko? Feel free to contact us.